Art for every page of Haruki Murakami's Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Taking a page from the artist Zak Smith , I will be doing a drawing and or painting for every page of Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.
I am working from the Harvil Press 1999 Paper back edition. Translated and Adapted by Jay Rubin (with participation from Haruki Murakami).
It has roughly 600 pages of text so I figure best case scenario It’ll take me about two to three years to complete the project. I will be posting them all of the images to separate tumbler site found here
I am working from the Harvil Press 1999 Paper back edition. Translated and Adapted by Jay Rubin (with participation from Haruki Murakami).
It has roughly 600 pages of text so I figure best case scenario It’ll take me about two to three years to complete the project. I will be posting them all of the images to separate tumbler site found here